


December 6, 2017

halszkaraptor escuilliei, a new

A-bird-standing-in-front-of-a-body-of-water-an-artist-s-depiction-of-what-halszkaraptor-may-have-loo 931985

An Artist's depiction of Halszkaraptor, IBT Media

Semi-Aquatic Dromaeosaurid

For a short time, we only thought that Spinosaurids were the only non-avian dinosaurs that were semi-aquatic. However, new findings of Halskaraptor, a Dromaeosaurid from Mongolia, showed adaptations of an Amphibious lifestyle.


July 27, 2017


May 14, 2017

Image 5097 1e-Borealopelta-markmitchelli

Life restoration of Borealpelta, Royal Tyrell Museum of Paleontology.

Borealpelta, A mummified Nodosaur from Alberta, reveals stunning details

In May of 2017, a spectacular fossil was found, showing the remains of Borealpelta, A Nodosaur from the Early Cretaceous of Alberta, Canada. The fossil was one of the most complete Nodosaur remains found, as well as showing keratin sheaths that covered the osteoderms, and melanosomes in the skin showed that in life, Borealpelta may have been a reddish-brown color.




April 30, 2015

Yi qi

A New Bizarre Jurassic Maniraptoran Theropod with preserved Evidence of Membranous Wings

The first and only known fossil specimen of Yi qi was found by a farmer, Wang Jianrong, in a quarry near Mutoudeng Village. Wang sold the fossil to the Shandong Tianyu Museum of Nature in 2007, at which point Ding Xiaoqing, a technician at the museum, began further preparation of the fossil. Because many of the unique features and soft tissues of the specimen were uncovered by museum staff during preparation rather than amateur fossil sellers before the purchase, the scientists who studied it were confident that the specimen was authentic and unaltered. This was confirmed by a CAT scan. The initial study of Yi was published in the journal Nature and appeared on the internet April 29, 2015.

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[[Yi qi]]

April 28, 2015


Chilesaurus diegosuarezi, An Enigmatic Plant-eating Theropod from the Late Jurassic period of Chile

Theropod dinosaurs were the dominant predators in most Mesozoic era terrestrial ecosystems. Early theropod evolution is currently interpreted as the diversification of various carnivorous and cursorial taxa, whereas the acquisition of herbivorism, together with the secondary loss of cursorial adaptations, occurred much later among advanced coelurosaurian theropods. A new, bizarre herbivorous basal tetanuran from the Upper Jurassic of Chile challenges this conception. The new dinosaur was discovered at Aysén, a fossil locality in the Upper Jurassic Toqui Formation of southern Chile (General Carrera Lake). The site yielded abundant and exquisitely preserved three-dimensional skeletons of small archosaurs. Several articulated individuals of Chilesaurus at different ontogenetic stages have been collected, as well as less abundant basal crocodyliforms, and fragmentary remains of sauropod dinosaurs (diplodocids and titanosaurians).

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March 21, 2015


New Triassic carnivore discovered

A new species of basal crocodylomorph has been discovered in the Pekin Formation. Dubbed the "Carolina butcher", the Triassic age carnivore may have been the last apex predator before the dinosaurs.

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